Seabrook Recreation Department
Register Now


  • Spring Session Registration begin March 10th, 2025.
    Make sure to check out all of our exciting new programs and some past favorites!

Registration begin 3/10.
NEW! Senior trip offering!
Registration begins 3/10.
Senior Day
Senior Day!
Call or stop by the Recreation Department to secure your senior day meal!
Registration begins 3/10.
Highschool Roller-skate night
Attention 9th - 12th Graders!
Roller-skate Night w/ Egg Hunt.
Registration begins 3/10.

Thank you to our Sports Sponsors!

The Seabrook Recreation Department is Hiring!
Please click the link below if you are interested in working in a fun, learning, and rewarding environment!

Just scroll down to the Recreation Department!
Employment Opportunities – The Town of Seabrook, NH

 logo   Logo    LogoLogoLogoATGThe City            Marco            FWebb
Our programs are Safe, Reliable and of
 course Super Fun for grades K-5th grade (one 6th grade program offered!) Staff trainings are offered to all
Seabrook Recreation Department After-School Staff to ensure a safe, positive and fun after-school environment!
Bus transportation offered from the Seabrook Elementary and Seabrook Middle School to the Seabrook Recreation Department.
We hope to see you all there! 

The Seabrook Recreation Depa
rtment is proud to say that we are a Key Collective Partner that accepts the #AreuinCard.


Key Collective Logo